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for ages

A creative exploration of movement for young dancers. This class introduces children to a variety of music, which inspires movement qualities to enhance their expressive abilities through dance.

Students must turn 3 by September.

Pre-Primary Ages 3-4

Primary Ages 4-5

An imaginative and creative introduction to dance emphasizing self-expression. Utilizes music to introduce rhythm, counting and movement coordination skills.

Students must turn 4 by September.

Pre-Ballet Ages 5-6

A creative introduction to the basics of ballet technique. Students gain an understanding of spatial awareness, proper etiquette, and musicality while exploring their movement potential.

Students must turn 5 by September and have completed a year of Primary or equivalent. 

Students gain a deeper knowledge of ballet vocabulary and technique while incorporating exercises and phrases aimed at conditioning the young dancer’s body.

Students must turn 6 at time of registration and have completed a year of Pre-Ballet or equivalent. Please see Director for proper class placement.

Level 1-Ballet Technique Ages 6-8

Modern 1:Beginner Ages 6-8

An introductory class that explores the basic ideas of modern dance including shifting of weight and musicality. It is recommended that students also attend a weekly ballet class to supplement this dance form.

Students must turn 6 by September.

Tap 1: Beginner Ages 4-6

An energetic and fun approach to the basics of tap. Musicality and rhythmic qualities are stressed during this introductory class. It is recommended that students also attend a weekly ballet class to supplement this dance form.

Students must turn 4 by September.

Tap 2 & 3: Advanced Beginner Ages 7-8

A fun, energetic continuation of the basics of tap technique. Students are required to have taken a beginner tap class prior to registration. Musicality and rhythmic qualities are emphasized during this class. It is recommended that students also attend a weekly ballet class to supplement this dance form.

Students must turn 7 by September.


Come enroll and meet out amazing faculty, enriching programs and inspiring space.
